5 Reasons why Next JS will be used more in web development.

5 Reasons why Next JS will be used more in web development.

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As a Full Stack Developer it is very important to decide the right framework for developing a website, project, product, etc. The reason this is important is because the use of right framework will always the development process easier and will always remain in path with the latest technologies used. Initially HTML was used in developing simple static web page, later CSS was used along with HTML to create beautiful web pages. But the problem with HTML was that to create a new page many mandatory components such as navbar, footer had to be hard coded again and again. That's when React came in which revolutionized Web Development. It used the component pattern where in the component was coded just once and later imported and added in the JSX when needed thus reducing development time and also reducing lines of code. React ruled the web development market for many years but today there is a new framework which can be the next favorite for developers and that is 'NextJS'.
Now for those of you'll who have not heard about NextJS, it is an open-source, compact web development framework for React applications . It enables the creation of server-side rendering by developers. Now that you have got to know a bit about NextJS lets delve more about it and know the 5 reasons why Next JS will be used more in web development:-

  1. Super Fast Rendering : - Every change can be seen easily reloading the website. The component is rendered in real-time, making it easy to keep track of changes as they occur.

  2. SEO-friendly : - Since Next.js lets you develop faster and lighter static websites, they become SEO-friendly. Therefore, it’s a higher chance to rank your website in the first pages of search engines.

  3. Routing :- The concept of routing is very easy to understand for new web developers and also it is very organized.

  4. Faster Development : - Next.js offers many built-in Next JS components, libraries, and compatibility, allowing you to develop MVP in a short time. This helps you get a quick user review or feedback and make proper changes without wasting any time.

  5. Enhanced User Experience : - Next.js allows you to create a front-end as per your requirements that align with your business goals. It offers an amazing and unique user experience.

This are the 5 reasons supporting NextJS. There are more reasons supporting NextJS to know about it stay tuned for my Upcoming Blogs